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Técnicas de la Pintura de Peonía de Rodar(edición inglesa)
Botellas de Rapé de la dinastía Qing (Serie de Riquezas nacionales de China)(Edición inglesa)
Poemas Clásicos(Colección de poesía y prosa clásica)(Edición china e inglesa)
Camino al Arte Futuro— Pintura al Óleo Zhong Cai de Zhou Changxin (Edición inglesa)
Camino al Arte Futuro— Pintura al Óleo Zhong Cai de Zhou Changxin (Edición china)
Pinturas Thangka de la épica oral tibetana El Rey Gesar (Edición inglesa)
With a history of more than 200 years, Peking Opera is not a native opera of Beijing, but a new opera type formed by inter-exchange between Hui troupe actors and Han melody actors that came from south to Beijing as well as absorbing the merits of several other operas popular in Beijing then. Peking Opera rooted from Chinese culture is quite from Western drama. For first-time foreign viewers, Peking Opera is hard to understand. But as long as you are willing to explore and understand the artistic characteristics and cultural connotations of Peking Opera, you will find everything about Peking Opera is so interesting. One morning, you might find yourself in deep love with Peking Opera when you hear singing of Peking Opera.